Flower painting

Heya everyone, it’s been a long time since I wrote a post and I’ve really missed it! I cannot wait for these exams to be over and then I can get back to regular blogging! Anyway, this evening me and my flatmate decided we wanted a break from work. We got out some left over paints that he had bought for a fancy dress costume last year and set to work.

Continue reading Flower painting

Pink day

I’ve not been able to blog for a while now because of exams, deadlines and the stress that comes with them. I was planning on waiting until my first couple of exams were over before returning to my blog. Instead, I have decided that for the next couple of weeks I will just give little updates on my day to day life and how I am getting through revision.

Continue reading Pink day

May Nails

Now that May has quickly crept upon us, I decided it was time to write a post about the colours that I intend to wear on my nails this month. I absolutely loved pastel shades in April. Everything from pinks and nudes to blues to purples… I just couldn’t get enough! Although I don’t want to move away from this trend completely, I think it is time to introduce a little bit more colour. It is time to start experimenting with a brighter palette now that the days are getting longer and the sun is shining… and even when it isn’t, there is no harm in getting in the mood for the summer months that are fast approaching! There is nothing like a warm and colourful collection of shades to help me through the next few weeks of revision.

Continue reading May Nails

A trip to Ireland!

I’ve not been able to write a post for the last 4 days because I’ve been visiting one of my uni friends in Ireland and there just hasn’t been a spare minute! It’s fair to say that we have had an absolutely incredible time, experiencing typical Irish pubs, listening to Irish music, eating amazing food, drinking way too much Guinness… It’s been so full on and I think I need to take a few days rest before I return to uni life and get down to revision. Before that though, I thought I’d write about the things we got up to in London Derry!

Continue reading A trip to Ireland!

Chocolate and Nail Varnish – what more could a girl want

I love Easter. Who doesn’t love Easter?! If there’s chocolate involved I’m happy.

Yet this year, one of this things that really caught my eye is just how beautiful mini eggs are. Yes they taste divine but they are also so pleasing to look at. The colours reflect some of my favourite pastel shades and they almost look like something nature has produced: perfectly shaped pebbles on a beach; something found in the nest of an eastern bluebird (They lay the most beautiful eggs, you should definitely have a google). Once removed from their packaging they don’t scream commercial chocolate and there is no sign that they were ever mass produced in a factory setting. They are like little pearls. I cannot get enough of the little sprinkling of speckles on each and every egg either. So clean cut and beautiful!

Continue reading Chocolate and Nail Varnish – what more could a girl want

Travel beauty secret!

If you read my first ever blog post, “‘About Time’ to make a change” which you can read here you will know that I recently went to Spain. I went with my uni dance society on Tour so we were competing/attending workshops in the day and partying by night! It was non stop to say the least but I had an incredible time with some incredible people.

Anyway, the trip involved a 27 hour coach journey from Leeds to Lloret de Mar. Having experienced this on Tour the previous year I knew it wasn’t something I wished to repeat. So me and a few others decided to fly. We booked our flights feeling extremely smug that we would arrive fresh faced and ready to go! However, we later realised that it would cost an extra £30 to take 15kg worth of luggage. The cost of flying meant that I had already spent more than I wanted so as much as I hated to admit it, we were looking at travelling by hand luggage alone.  Continue reading Travel beauty secret!

Daffodil Evolution!

This time last month I saw some daffodils for sale in Sainsburies for only £1 so I decided to buy some to brighten up my room! Once they were placed in a vase in my room the idea suddenly occurred to me that I could track their growth and take a photo every so often until they had completely bloomed. So this is what I did!

Continue reading Daffodil Evolution!