RefME Referencing App Review

RefME referencing app to help essay writing

The sun is starting to shine, the days are getting longer, the weather is getting warmer. It can only mean one thing… Exam and deadline season! As much as I love this time of year, the first few months of beautiful weather have been spent revising and meeting deadlines for as long as I can remember now. The sound of the ice cream van evokes memories of note making and the first time I can step out of the house without my coat on is most probably on a trip to the library… *sigh.* I can’t quite believe that it is that time of year again. I swear last time I looked it was Christmas?!

Continue reading RefME Referencing App Review

Flower painting

Heya everyone, it’s been a long time since I wrote a post and I’ve really missed it! I cannot wait for these exams to be over and then I can get back to regular blogging! Anyway, this evening me and my flatmate decided we wanted a break from work. We got out some left over paints that he had bought for a fancy dress costume last year and set to work.

Continue reading Flower painting