How running has changed my life


It feels like such a long time ago that I wrote my post all about the reasons that I signed up to run a half marathon. Finally, 3 months later the big day itself is looming and in the run up to the race I have come to realise a few things.

I think the main thing that has become apparent to me is that although I first signed up with the predominant intention of completing the distance, there is so much more to training for a race than the race itself. Yes, that will be a great way to mark the culmination of my training and to show how I’ve improved as a runner but it is what has happened in the lead up to the race and also what will happen afterwards that is important; there are so many wider implications.

Continue reading How running has changed my life

Getting a Good Nights Sleep


Life is very hectic. I’m sure everyone can agree on that one? Sometimes managing a job, a social life, a fitness routine and finding time to relax can seem more impossible than solving an algebraic formula (and I was never very good at that). There just aren’t enough hours in the day nor days in the week. Since starting a 9-5 job I have found myself more exhausted then ever. I have over an hour commute there and back and quite frankly, waking up at 6.30am after three years of a leisurely student lifestyle came as a huge shock to the system.

Continue reading Getting a Good Nights Sleep