Travel beauty secret!

If you read my first ever blog post, “‘About Time’ to make a change” which you can read here you will know that I recently went to Spain. I went with my uni dance society on Tour so we were competing/attending workshops in the day and partying by night! It was non stop to say the least but I had an incredible time with some incredible people.

Anyway, the trip involved a 27 hour coach journey from Leeds to Lloret de Mar. Having experienced this on Tour the previous year I knew it wasn’t something I wished to repeat. So me and a few others decided to fly. We booked our flights feeling extremely smug that we would arrive fresh faced and ready to go! However, we later realised that it would cost an extra £30 to take 15kg worth of luggage. The cost of flying meant that I had already spent more than I wanted so as much as I hated to admit it, we were looking at travelling by hand luggage alone.  Continue reading Travel beauty secret!