Flower painting

Heya everyone, it’s been a long time since I wrote a post and I’ve really missed it! I cannot wait for these exams to be over and then I can get back to regular blogging! Anyway, this evening me and my flatmate decided we wanted a break from work. We got out some left over paints that he had bought for a fancy dress costume last year and set to work.

Unfortunately we only had four colours to work with – red, blue, yellow and green. Also, there was only quite a fat brush meaning I couldn’t really incorporate any finer details but I worked with the materials we had and absolutely loved it!

I decided to paint a flower and here is the outcome 🙂 I absolutely loved being able to paint and forget about the pressures of uni for a short period of time. I love really getting stuck into something and allowing my creative side to come out!








Lots of love

Sass x

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