APOV Christmas Gift Swap

Hi lovelies!

This year I took part in a Blogging style Secret Santa organised by Viola (apieceofviola.wordpress.com). My partner was the lovely Rebecca, (queenbeebecca.com). After chatting for a bit we agreed on a £10 spending limit. I headed straight to Boots to see what goodies I could find for this price.

Continue reading APOV Christmas Gift Swap

Christmas came early!

Hi Lovelies!

One of my favourite things about Christmas is the huge build in the months and weeks before it. The days are filled with so many Christmassy things and they always put me in such a good mood! A couple of weeks ago we had our uni house Christmas dinner, complete with fairy lights, delicious food and wine and of course, Secret Santa! Continue reading Christmas came early!

Cookie Swap 2014

Hi Everyone!

So I intended to publish this post last monday when I was away skiing but unfortunately there was no working wifi in my room so I haven’t been able to publish anything for the past week! I am back now though and can’t wait to update you on what’s been going on 🙂 I am so excited for the upcoming week of Christmas festivities and I had the most incredible week skiing last week!

This year I took part in The Great Food Blogger Cookie Swap. I love cooking and baking and so any opportunity to do this is something I would always take up on! Basically, everyone that signed up was assigned some bloggers to send cookies to and then we receive a batch from another couple of bloggers! What a lovely idea, especially around Christmas 🙂 Continue reading Cookie Swap 2014

Leeds Christmas German Market

Hi Everyone!

Here is a lovely Christmassy post to get you all in a festive mood. Earlier this week I visited the German market in Leeds and it was so much fun! The atmosphere was so cheerful and seasonal and it got me even more excited for Christmas. (I thought that wasn’t possible!) If you haven’t been to your nearest Christmas Market yet I would highly recommend it. Here is one important piece of advice though: make sure you go feeling hungry!! There are so many stalls serving the most delicious looking treats, from hot dogs and burgers to crepes and waffles, you are sure to want everything in sight!

Continue reading Leeds Christmas German Market

Christmas Blogger Gift Swap

Hey everyone!

I hope you have all had a great weekend, I have literally had the time of my life in London. We have done so much in such a short space of time and now I am exhausted. I am on the train back to Leeds as I write this, sorting through all my photos and planning lots of exciting posts! (I warn you that there will be lots of food, hot chocolates and christmas trees!)

Continue reading Christmas Blogger Gift Swap