St Helen’s Farm: Why Not Give Goats a Go?

Why not give goats a go?  St Helen's Farm Goats Milk products

A couple of weeks ago, the lovely team from St. Helen’s Farm asked me whether I would like to ‘give goats a go’. I normally prefer to use almond milk so I was intrigued to as how I would feel about goats milk. Plus, I love yoghurt and cheese so I was easily tempted to try the goats milk alternatives.

Continue reading St Helen’s Farm: Why Not Give Goats a Go?

Lent and Overnight Oats


Hi Lovelies!

I hope everyone enjoyed pancake day yesterday! It was the perfect excuse for me to indulge in Nutella and not feel too bad about it. Today is the first day of lent and I thought I would write a post about my plans for this year. The biggest difficulty for me with lent is that my birthday falls in the middle of it. This means that I am always very reluctant to give anything up as I don’t want to have to miss out on birthday cake/chocolate etc! This year I have found a way around this so lets talk lent!

Continue reading Lent and Overnight Oats

Chia seeds, avocado and eating clean!


Hey Lovelies!

I really enjoy eating clean and experimenting with healthy recipes. There are endless possibilities to be creative with healthy and raw ingredients and I love trying out new things. I haven’t really posted any recipes in ages and this is something I really want to start doing more. I wrote about the two ingredient pancakes way back in October when I first started blogging (you should definitely try these btw) and I would love to start writing about this kind of thing again.

Continue reading Chia seeds, avocado and eating clean!