Why I signed up to run a half marathon

Why I signed up to run a half marathon

The other day I finally brought myself to click ‘confirm’ for the Fleetwood half marathon. This is something that I have contemplated doing for a while and suddenly last week, I decided to be spontaneous and go for it. Naturally, I have spent the last few days wondering if I am completely mad… what have I let myself in for?! But I have my reasons and I thought I would write about them. Not only to remind myself why I want to do this but also in the hope that maybe I can inspire others to set similar challenges for themselves.

So here are my reasons, one for each mile of the journey:

1. I used to run quite a lot during my second year at university but looking back this was probably for all the wrong reasons. As a result I began to despise it. Since I stopped running my fitness naturally got a lot worse. I want to run so that I can build up this fitness and endurance again and I definitely think that race training is the best way for me to do this. By creating goals I have a healthy purpose for running.

2. An awful lot of my running during second year took place on the treadmill and I think this definitely has something to do with my coming to hate it. Through training for a race, I need to be able to run outside and stay clear from the dreaded treadmill!

3. I want to make the most of my health whilst I can. I am currently very lucky in that my legs work and I am able to run. I know that if this ability was ever taken away from me, I would wish that I had ran. There is something so liberating about it and I don’t want to ever regret not having run more. It really does remind me not to take my health for granted.

4. Instead of using running for the sole purpose of losing weight I want to view it as a way to increase my stamina and endurance. I am hoping that it will also inspire me to fuel my running in the most nutritious and healthy ways possible. Instead of restricting calories or dieting, I want to eat in a way that will benefit my training. In turn, I am hoping that this will help me to create a healthy body and mind, regardless of the number on the scale.

5. To appreciate the world around me. On the odd occasion that I did run outside last year, I always found myself in awe of the countryside. Even in the city, there are places of greenery and I think running is a great way to get myself out into the lush scenery.

6. The personal achievement. Even after running only a handful of miles since I have started my training plan, I get such an intense sense of satisfaction after every single session. I can’t even begin to imagine how It will feel to have completed a half marathon.

7. The personal challenge. I ran 5 miles yesterday and although I used to run much further than this, I was worn out after having not ran so far in nearly a year! I can’t wait to watch my fitness grow and to be able to run more and more miles as the weeks progress.

8. I definitely think that training as much as I intend to means that I can treat myself to some nice new workout clothes! There are so many gorgeous things that I have spotted and I certainly plan on using this as a great excuse to buy some for myself.

9. For a healthy mind. There is definitely something to be said for the feeling after a great run. The release of endorphins that exercise provides is the perfect way to keep positive!

10. For a healthy future. As I previously said, I definitely lost a lot of my fitness when I stopped running and I think cardiovascular exercise is so important for maintaining a healthy heart. By keeping my heart well trained, I hope that it will provide benefits to the health of my future body.

11. For the community. Although I really enjoy running on my own, I have recently started running with a group with Sweaty Betty and it is such a great atmosphere there. There are so many people who love keeping fit and I want to be a part of this.

12. I know that I said that I wasn’t going to focus on the number on the scale this doesn’t mean that I am not hoping to improve my body. I would love to be more trim and toned and to feel happier about my body shape in general. This time around though, I am putting the focus on health and fitness rather than weight.

13. Finally, as cliche as it sounds, I want to run for the enjoyment! I am aware that there will be days that I want to quit and give up but I have to remind myself of that amazing feeling that I get after running a new personal best, or completing an extra mile. There is so much to be gained from running!

So there are my reasons for deciding to train for a half marathon.

Is anyone else currently training for anything or setting personal challenges? I would love to know about it 🙂

This is a lot more personal than my usual posts and I would love some feedback on this style!

Lots of love,

Sass xxx

22 thoughts on “Why I signed up to run a half marathon

  1. I’ve always wanted to take up running because like you said the countryside is so gorgeous, unfortunately I’m far too lazy… Good on you though and good luck in the marathon! Xx

  2. they’re all great reasons to get back into running, i’ve wanted to do the same thing -well not quite the signing up for a half marathon bit! – but always put it off and i’m going to vow to change that. good luck with your training! x

  3. I love all of your reasons here and feel exactly the same! I started running 3 times a week at the start of the year and have managed to keep it up. I don’t do it to lose weight, I do it for stamina, toning, strengthening the heart and the mind 🙂 I’ll definitely be booking onto a half marathon soon too, best of luck! 🙂



  4. Lovely post beauty! I can’t even run a mile without dying, although this something I would also love to improve. Very true about how we are healthy and are blessed to have the legs that we do have! I better get on it and use them!

    Love you lots, love seeing personal posts! ❤

    Kayleigh xoxo

  5. Running is so important! I’m proud you signed up, that’s the hardest part 🙂 I have my second half marathon coming up in 3 months (eek!) I need to start training! Also, I just nominated you for Love, Hate, Tag! Check it out http://anchoredtosunshine.com 🙂 Can’t wait to read your responses!

  6. Reading this post has made me want to go running!! I think we should become running buddies, I need someone to motivate me!! Really enjoyed this post Sarah, and I know that you’ll cross that finish line without any problems 🙂


  7. You crazy thing! You’re definitely doing it for all the right reasons and I’m glad to hear you’re training is going well so far! Good luck and I can’t wait to see your progress on your blog, love this style of post 🙂 xxx

  8. None runners don’t get it but there is something amazing about your legs pumping and your rib cage fit to burst, not selling it well am I?
    Well done on signing up, I haven’t run a race for a really long time and like you, the pull of a road race makes me train harder and improve much quicker I feel.
    Huge good luck to you.
    M x

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