Rice cakes that don’t taste like cardboard!

Rice cakes. Boring, tasteless and they resemble nothing more than hamster food.


I decided that I wanted to make use of the low calories and transform them into a delicious and healthy snack. Here are my results!


My theme was nutrient rich food so I came up with these three combinations:

1. Low fat cottage cheese, topped with honey and a walnut:


Because rice cakes are so dry, the key is to use at least one topping that will introduce some moisture. Cottage cheese was a perfect option and is full of protein. Make sure you use one that is low fat to avoid the high salt and saturated fat content. I drizzled on some honey to add a hint of sweetness and topped it off with a walnut. It was really yummy!

2. Avocado, feta and a drizzle of balsamic glaze


I mashed up some avocado and then topped it with some feta cheese and balsamic glaze. The combination of these three flavours work so well together.


Avocado is a great product to use, it is a source is healthy fat, fats which are essential in our diet. It is also full of protein.

3. Peanut butter, banana and a sprinkle of cinnamon:


I was worried that the peanut butter would be too dry on the already dry rice cracker but the banana meant this wasn’t a problem. Peanut butter is also a great source of essential fats although the calorie content is quite high so don’t layer it on too thickly! The cinnamon was the perfect finishing touch and once again the three flavours really complemented one another.

All three of these topping ideas were extremely delicious and these are only a few combinations… the possibilities are endless! I will definitely be experimenting with different flavours and can’t wait to try these ones again! They make the perfect snack; great for a healthy post-workout nibble or you could incorporate them into a meal.



Do you guys have annoy good ideas for rice cake toppings?

Love Sass x

2 thoughts on “Rice cakes that don’t taste like cardboard!

  1. They look so delicious, Sass! I’m especially drooling over the peanut butter-banana-cinnamon combo. We don’t get rice cakes here in India (or so I think), or I would’ve tried these recipes! 😦

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